Product Overview
100% Biodegradable and compostable mulch film. Made of Mater-Bi, a starch based material. Novamont produces Mater-Bi with renewable resources such as starches from different non-GMO crops: corn & other cereals, potatoes, & vegetable oils. Mater-Bi complies with international biodegradation and environmental standards such as EN 13432 by Vinçotte and ASTM D6400 by BPI, which guarantee complete biodegradation in soil without any toxic residues. Not OMRI listed. Degradation rate depends on film thickness, climate, and soil type. Starts breaking approx 4 -5 month on .6mil and 5-6 month on .8mil. Mfg. does not guarantee the film's life span due to different conditions such as non-compliance with laying & usage conditions, climatic conditions, etc. Lay relatively loose and after a few hours or by the next day, the mulch tightens and clings to the soil bed.