Kentucky Blue Pole Bean

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1991 All-America Selections Award winner.

About- All-America Selections Award winner. Kentucky Blue combines the flavor of Kentucky Wonder with the enhanced sweetness and tenderness of Blue Lake 274. PVP

When and Where to Plant- Select a sunny location and plant in spring when the soil temperature is above 60 degrees and up to 3 months before first frost. Grow pole beans on stout poles, a trellis, mesh fence or other vertical support to allow them to climb. For best results plant seeds in a well prepared, weed free bed.

Care and Harvest- Grows best in a soil with a pH between 6 and 7, and light fertilization. Do not over fertilize as this will cause an overgrowth of foliage and not allow pods to form. Water at ground level to reduce the probability of disease. Pick beans every 2-3 days, when pods are 6-8 inches long and before seeds develop and the sides bulge. Hold the stem with one hand and pick with the other hand to avoid tearing the plant. 

Type- Stringless Round Green Pole

Planting Depth- 1/2-1"

Seed Spacing- 2-3"

Spacing Between Rows- 36"

Days to Germination- 8-16

Plant Spacing- 6"

Days to Maturity- 60

2 oz. Pack Sows- 20 foot row

1/2 lb. Sows- 75 feet

PVP- Plant Variety Protected, propagation prohibited