Neckargold Yellow Pole Bean Packet (Container Collection)

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About- This beautiful, yellow French pole bean will produce 8-10” long stringless pods. The plants are vigorous, heavy producers offering a large harvest of beans, making them great for freezing or canning. Variety is resistant to bean mosaic virus.

Planting- Plant in spring when the soil temperature is above 60and up until 3 months before the first frost. Grow pole beans on trellis poles or on a mesh fence to allow them to climb. Plant 2 seeds per pole, with 3” between seeds.

Care & Harvest- Grows best in soils with a pH between 6 and 7 and light fertilization. Do not over-fertilize as this will cause an overgrowth of foliage and not allow pods to form. Harvest when the pods are 8” to 10” long to encourage new pod growth.

Where- Full Sun

Depth- 1”

Spacing- 3”

Maturity- 68 Days